Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Things we can make using flowers...

Yesterday my eldest son told me that this Thursday, his school is having Teacher's Day celebration. As usual, he wants to give his teachers I thought ok, why not? So, I asked him how many teachers & he replied 12... I was like WHAT? 12 presents in 1 day time??? Best when he told me he is going to prepare cards for the teachers as well. He said proudly that he had finished 1 1.5hrs, I asked him how long does he think he will need to prepare the rest of the cards? After some quick calculation, he got panicked as he knew he is not going to be able to finish all the cards in time. So, I suggested that he does it on the computer instead...luckily, he managed to finish all the cards today before bedtime...then it is my turn to help him decorate it & print it out.

Sometimes, I wonder whether my kids are testing my 'super power' or they really think I am a Magician...I'm a handy crafter...all my masterpieces are handmade & it needs time...guess they won't understand

Anyway, with the limited time frame, I have to come out with 12 1 day time...after some thinking, I've decided to try something new, with my newly found 'toy'...I bought some magnets last weekend, not knowing why but I just bought it...maybe the universe knows I will be needing this...LOL...and thank god for it too...otherwise, I won't be able to prepare 12 presents in 1 night!

Ok, this is what we made...

Isn't my son sweet? He personalised all the messages to his teachers...

Alright, time to eat my dinner, or more like supper since it is almost 1am now...and then, I'll be off to bed...nighty night!

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