Friday, March 20, 2015

6th Week of Craft Activities (1st Mar 2015)

Here's what we made on 1st March 2015...

This is called Kirigami. It is a type of Origami, only this is more complicated as it not only involved folding, it also involve cutting the folded paper.

Kirigami craft is made popular in Japan & China. It involves high level of concentration, focus & precision. One wrong fold or cut could destroy your whole masterpiece.

Of course, what we teach is very basic Kirigami. I personally felt that this craft is extremely difficult. So my hubby actually conducted this class since he claimed that Engineers are made to be precise!

OK, I must admit, this craft is not really appealing to the kids, but more to the adults. Parents were impressed but their kids don' sometimes you can't really satisfy both world, so when adult asked whether they can learn too, we said YES & they became the KIDDO of the day...for that particular time that they sit & did the craft, of course...

Here's the designs that we have made on this day:

The simpler ones:

Simplest of the lot, only 1 folding...

Tyese looked simple but not really as the art is in the folding part. It has to be same size then you will get the correct cut out...

My favourite...Yea, it's

These are the harder ones, it needs 5 points fold...

Cool huh?

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