Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New Year, New Me...

January is almost over & I realised that I have not written a single blog for the whole month! The last post was written on eve of new year & by the time I finished, it was new

Well, 2015 has been good so far...most of the efforts I put in last year has been moving according to the direction that I have planned out. At one point, it was so demotivating, but now it is like...I-can-see-some-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel kind of

Well, for sure, Designed With Passion is expanding. I setup the company in November 2014, wanted to use the name Designed With Passion, but was rejected...twice...told my company secretary that I insisted to use the name...after a few rounds of ding-dongs, & almost a week after, I was allowed to register the name, but with one condition...the name can not be just Designed With Passion, we finally settled with Designed With Passion Handicraft. At that point of time, I was a little disappointed as what I am doing is not exactly handicraft. I am very specific! I am only crocheting! LOL

It never cross my mind that all things happen for a reason, but now that I think of it, seriously, I was amazed how it has evolved.

In December, one of the reputable enrichment malls that I have been eyeing for, finally got in touch. I have been trying to get into that mall so that i can ask for a space to conduct crochet classes permanently, but to no avail. How I finally got in touch? A friend of a friend joined the marketing team of the mall & viola! Now we became friends...

Anyway, after a few rounds of discussion with the friend of my friend (lets call her E) & E's boss B, we finally got to go in, as a temporary service provider. What are we doing? Well, this is funny...we are providing handicraft activities to kids age 3 to 12 every Sunday! So, my company name fits in just right, right? So, conclusion is, we never know what arrangement the universe is prep-ing us...

So, to cut the story short, this few weeks have been extremely busy for me. Prep-ing the proposal for Q1, buying supplies, experimenting the activities to see how long it take, etc etc etc. wonderful but tiring. Not that I am was fun, but at the same time nervous. I mean i love crafts, but to teach as a full time is a new experience for, my full time job is no longer Crochet, but as a Craft huh?

It has been 2 Sundays since i started conducting the activities. This week will be my 3rd Sunday. Yesterday, we have just been confirmed as a permanent tenant & will be given a space in the enrichment mall..FINALLY! Plus, was told that we will be the anchor tenant for that particular program that they are promoting so we were invited to sit in to discuss on the fixture & all...i was like...WOW!

The space will be ready in March. Then, we will be able to conduct craft classes everyday at a fixed schedule. But, until then, we will be conducting craft activties every Sunday from 10am to 4pm.

What is next for me? Well, i need to think of a name for my craft space. Still can't decide what name to use as the logo. I have to admit I am not creative in terms of naming anything....that's why I am not able to get any Marketing then I need to come up with a tag line for the brand name. The tag line has to associate with my company name.

Next, i will need to re-visit my vision & mission of the company. 

Then, i need to source for more instructors & more craft activities (can't be doing everything on my own, right?)

So for now, this is what's happening...

Oh, I will also be posting the past activities in this blog so that you can have an idea what we do...:)
I have also registered a website:
Sooner or later, I will be transferring everything to my own website, as soon as I figure out how! LOL
So, stay tuned!


  1. Congratulations Joey!
    It is so happy to see a friend can do what they like, especially hobby, that turns into a career. I am truly happy for you and your hardwork has really paid off! Keep going !
