Sunday, May 24, 2015

New Craft Skill 2: The Beginning

As Q2 begins, I have been researching hard what to learn & hopefully master it...

After about a week of deep research, i have decided to give this a try...

In the European countries, this had gained some popularity over the few months. I'm sure this craft has been around for a while but not as popular...

Since it is new, I can't really get alot of instruction how to make it, I have only photos of the finished products to refer to...but that is good enough as this is a pretty easy craft, once you have mastered the basics...

Here it is! Perler Beads! Perler beads (as known as Hama beads or Nabbi beads) are plastic fusible beads. These colorful beads are usually arranged on plastic pegboards to form patterns and then fused together with a clothes iron. They can also be strung into necklaces, woven into keychains, or even assembled into three-dimensional decors.

Crafting Perler beads is a fun and inexpensive art form that inspires creativity. It can also help young children develop hand-eye coordination skills and learn color names and basic counting. Most impartantly, it teaches kids to be patient & concentrate. One small mistake may require you to re-do the whole thing!

Well, at first, I was afraid to pick up this craft as I was sure if the kids can actually have the patience & focus to complete the designs that they love, but I soon realised that if the kids love the design, they will definitely able to really complete it!

Here is what I first experimented, with the help of some photos...

Then, I started to experiment with more designs...

Ok, this craft is extremely addictive! You will see why I said so...LOL

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