Sunday, February 22, 2015

New Craft Skill 1 - the Beginning

Last Year, I made a resolution to pick up a new skill & master it every quarter.

Starting in January, I have started to pick up Rainbow Loom. I know, I know, you may say that the craze is over. I won't deny it. But what I am doing is not the bracelets, but other things.

I began the journey with Jelly Bands. Not my favorite type of bands though...the 1st item I made was is done using the same method as crochet, only thing is we are using rubber bands instead of yarns...

1) 3D Star keychains...these are for my son's party pack for his classmates...

2) This is for one of his class mates that will be celebrating his birthday 2 days after my son...his name is Yuya, so I made an alphabet Y plus a star. I attached it to the crocheted car keychain to make it more personalized.

3) This is for his classmate that will be celebrating his birthday 3 days after his...he has Y & J in his name, hence the alphabets...& I attached it to the crochet car keychain as well.

Hm...not bad for a start...will be experimenting more items! Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hanging Sheep

Recently, I got an order to produce 26 units of Hanging Sheeps. It is to be hung on the ceiling of a mall in Klang Valley.

It took me almost 2 weeks to finally conclude what & how I want to make it. You see, since this is for hanging on the ceiling, certain important measures have to be taken:
1) It can not be too heavy, else it will damage the ceiling or worse, it fell & hit the patrons.
2) It should be visible to see from the ground & must be eye-catching.
3) The Sheeps must be cute enough to be eye-catching.
4) It has to be sturdy enough to withstand the wind & not fall.

Honestly, I have not done anything huge before so it took me 2 whole weeks, back & forth, researching & trying out all sorts of materials. Finally! After 2 weeks, I have come to a decision: 
Option 1: very expensive
I use styrofoam ball & white pom-poms
I experimented with 2 sizes, 10in & 12in. 
12in too heavy. So, I chose 10in.

Option 2: more reasonable (half the price of option 1)
I use plain coloured lantern & cotton balls
Again, i selected 2 sizes, 10in & 12in.
Still, 12in is heavier. 

I showed it to my client & we confirmed to make option 2 since it won't be able to recycle...the next Sheep year is in 12 years. By then, the whole thing would have fallen apart...LOL

Here's what I made...
Batch 1: 18 units of 12in Lantern Sheeps (couldn't get all same size)

Batch 2: 9 units of 10in Lantern Sheeps (I gave the sample together since I won't be needing it.)

Took me about 4 none sleep nights to complete it. I'd say it is pretty fast...LOL

I used Black Foam to cut the head & legs. Thanks to hubby that helped with the cutting. Mind you, it took me several trips to different shops to get all the quantities that I want...Then for the eyes, I used White Felt & Black Foam for the eye ball.

Lastly, I tied the lantern with ribbons.

It was a great experience as it is so different from my normal orders. I can consider this as bulk order, in a much bigger size than what I usually do...

Let's just hope it will look nice in the mall...:)

Oh yea, after I completed the sheeps, guess what my younger son wants? He wants 1 of those sheep in his favorite color! So, we will have an Orange Sheep in da house very soon! As soon as I get a can of Orange Spray Paint! LOL 

I shall post it on the blog once the Orange Sheep is done...hehehe